Background of the School
Spring of Knowledge Academy S.C. is a legally established private school in 2006 to contribute its part in the human capital development program of the country. The school is established by seven mothers who are committed to contribute towards access to quality education to children and young adults in the country. The School owns two Kindergarten divisions, two Primary school divisions and one Secondary School division in Addis Ababa and has started expanding its coverage in the nearby towns. It has the vision to grow further at College and then to university level to respond to the middle level income community groups. Besides, the School has also a vision to be famous educational institution and center of excellence nationally and internationally including establishing IGCSE Center (both learning & examination).
The Company has workable organizational structure which has its own high-level decision making body the Board of Directors and its operational Business is headed by General Manager. For each branches and cycles there are principals basically accountable for the General Manger. Moreover, centrally there are assessment and quality assurance, ICT & online support, finance, Admin, HR & General Service managers reporting to the General Manager. Horizontally there are Executive management Committee for the company and senior management Committee for each branch. Deputy Principals, Academic Supervisors, Subject-area department heads, compound Supervisors, guidance & counselors, special needs & learning support officers and School Nurses are under the supervision of the school Principal of the particular branch. In order to track its performance and ensure the progress of the company in alignment with its vision and mission statements the school periodically (mostly 3 or five years’ time) develops and implements a strategic plan and reviews its performance in a quarterly basis. Currently the Company has more than 360 full time employees.
Assuring the access to quality care & education for all children receiving our service
Spring of Knowledge Academy follows a holistic approach to education;
The academic, personal, social, physical, cultural and spiritual development of the child is at the heart of the philosophy of the school;
We make sure that the education we provide to our students contribute to the successful transition of children in to productive adulthood;
We also believe that schools take the core responsibility to prepare children for the challenges of this technology & globalization era, where everything is getting complex & highly dynamic than ever before;
By creating a conducive environment and a range of curricular and Co-curriculum activities through the school program we endeavor to create independent, problem solving, enterprising & self-sufficient individuals who can recognize the value of learning & continue to be life-long learners;
Since society is renewed by children, the responsibility of educating children shall therefore be shared with family and the larger community;
The job of educating children requires the contributions and commitment of every member of the community;
The academic, personal, social, physical, cultural and spiritual development of the child is at the heart of the philosophy of the school;
We make sure that the education we provide to our students contribute to the successful transition of children in to productive adulthood;
We also believe that schools take the core responsibility to prepare children for the challenges of this technology & globalization era, where everything is getting complex & highly dynamic than ever before;
By creating a conducive environment and a range of curricular and Co-curriculum activities through the school program we endeavor to create independent, problem solving, enterprising & self-sufficient individuals who can recognize the value of learning & continue to be life-long learners;
Since society is renewed by children, the responsibility of educating children shall therefore be shared with family and the larger community;
The job of educating children requires the contributions and commitment of every member of the community;
Core Values
Excellence: - We mean that every member of the school community is proud of his/her personal achievement, produces work of the highest quality, sets high standards and personal goals for improvement, and makes best use of talents, time and resources
Courage: - We will take measure; we admit our mistakes
Respect: - All members of the school community treat each other decently and show respect for the opinions and work of others; value communal and individual property, the right and identity of others. Staff members treat learners, parents and other stakeholders with dignity and politeness at all times, embracing cultural diversity &tolerance
Professionalism:- We don’t either take action haphazardly or leave them for chance. Our actions, practices, decisions and interventions are guided and informed by scientific evidences and predefined principles
Responsiveness: - We continually monitor the changing needs and requirements and provide appropriate program and services in a proactive, flexible and timely manner
Perseverance:-We press on and overcome difficulties to achieve our goals. We show perseverance when we remain optimistic despite difficulties, bounce back from setbacks and press on to reach our goals.
Courage: - We will take measure; we admit our mistakes
Respect: - All members of the school community treat each other decently and show respect for the opinions and work of others; value communal and individual property, the right and identity of others. Staff members treat learners, parents and other stakeholders with dignity and politeness at all times, embracing cultural diversity &tolerance
Professionalism:- We don’t either take action haphazardly or leave them for chance. Our actions, practices, decisions and interventions are guided and informed by scientific evidences and predefined principles
Responsiveness: - We continually monitor the changing needs and requirements and provide appropriate program and services in a proactive, flexible and timely manner
Perseverance:-We press on and overcome difficulties to achieve our goals. We show perseverance when we remain optimistic despite difficulties, bounce back from setbacks and press on to reach our goals.
General Operating Principles of SKA are:-
Every child has the potential to learn and excel;
We regard the prior knowledge, background and experience of the child;
We link the learning-teaching process to everyday experience of the child;
We believe in continuous improvement;
We take families, parents and the community as our principal partners.
Every child has the potential to learn and excel;
We regard the prior knowledge, background and experience of the child;
We link the learning-teaching process to everyday experience of the child;
We believe in continuous improvement;
We take families, parents and the community as our principal partners.
Two Kindergartens, two Primary schools and one secondary & preparatory high-school
Students Enrolment Trend in the past six years (K-12)
2007 EC = 1235 Students
2008 EC = 1775 Students
2009 EC = 1925 Students
2010 EC = 2412 Students
2011 EC = 2578 Students
2012 EC = 2850 Students
2013 EC = 2777 Students (Reduced Due to Covid-19)
2014 EC = 3150 Students
2015 EC = 3711 Students
2008 EC = 1775 Students
2009 EC = 1925 Students
2010 EC = 2412 Students
2011 EC = 2578 Students
2012 EC = 2850 Students
2013 EC = 2777 Students (Reduced Due to Covid-19)
2014 EC = 3150 Students
2015 EC = 3711 Students
Executive Management Team Profile
1. Biruk Tilahun --------------------------General Manager---MEd---24+
2. Zemed Derib-------------------Primary School Principal---MA--15+
3.Muhdin Muzeyin--Secondary School Principal--BA(Attending MA)--19+
4.Kemal Hassen -------------------Primary School Principal--MA --16+
5.Zelalem Biru--Assessment&Quality Assurance Head--MA --14+
6. Yewubdar Belay---------------Kindergarten Principal---BA-----18+
7. Ajaiba Heyredin ------------Kindergarten Principal ----BA----- 15+
8. Mohammed Abdela-------------Legal Advisor -------LLM--------16+
9. Jemal Kedir------------Finance & Admin Head--------MA--------16+
2. Zemed Derib-------------------Primary School Principal---MA--15+
3.Muhdin Muzeyin--Secondary School Principal--BA(Attending MA)--19+
4.Kemal Hassen -------------------Primary School Principal--MA --16+
5.Zelalem Biru--Assessment&Quality Assurance Head--MA --14+
6. Yewubdar Belay---------------Kindergarten Principal---BA-----18+
7. Ajaiba Heyredin ------------Kindergarten Principal ----BA----- 15+
8. Mohammed Abdela-------------Legal Advisor -------LLM--------16+
9. Jemal Kedir------------Finance & Admin Head--------MA--------16+